The Germafrican starts on Valentine’s Day 2012

You, the reader, are probably new to this blog, as chances that you have seen it before are infinitesimal. There are two thoughts I have of you, if you are reading this post today. The first comprises of the probability of you being single, as many people celebrating Valentine’s Day literally have better things to do than reading a greenfield blog.The second is that you possibly have a similar view of Valentine’s Day as I. In my eyes, it only has a single purpose: to consume. And no, I do not mean love. Or generosity. It is, after Christmas, Consumerism-Day of the year.

Now you may think, “okay, one of those guys again – trashes on Valentine’s Day because he does not have someone to celebrate it with”. But I must disappoint you. It has been a few years, since I have not received any gifts on Valentine’s Day. And I guess it is cute. And charming. Simply put, it makes you think of the person that got you a gift – which is normally the intended goal – more or less.
But the question is, is it a necessity to give a material gift to someone you love or care about nowadays? Think about it…

…I have,

asĀ on the other hand, entire industries depend on Valentine’s Day for generating an important portion of revenue. Just think of your favorite chocolate brand or your friendly neighborhood florist. And we all know, positive business is one of the prime factors in our economic food chain. So we should consider all the aspects before deciding not to participate. I am sure you can find a reason to, because nobody likes haters and nobody enjoys seeing someone lose their job due to bad numbers from Valentine’s Day.