UEFA Champions League: AC Milan – Arsenal FC

The second match day of the round of sixteen continued with two games. The first match took place between Zenit St. Petersburg and Benfica Lisbon, which ended 3:2.

The big match of the evening was of course AC Milan vs. Arsenal FC. Two heavyweights in European football. The game kicked off at 20:45 CET in the San Siro in Milan.

The game started off rather normally, with both teams trying to dominate the first few minutes. The first shot came from Arsenal’s midfielder Rosicky, whose shot however posed no danger for Milan’s keeper Abbiati. Milan returned the favour shortly after with their first shot coming from captain Clarence Seedorf, which was just wide of the goal.

One had the feeling though, that Milan was just a bit stronger since the start of the game. However, fans were a little shocked when Milan’s captain Seedorf had to be substituted due to an injury. His fellow Dutchman Emanuelson came on in his place in the 12th minute.

At this stage, both teams were not able to create any real chances for goals and the match was dominated by a “kick & rush” style of football with plenty of mistakes on both sides. However, just two minutes later, AC Milan took over the lead in a spectacular manner. Nocerino passed the ball successfully to Boateng, who hammered the ball with a volley from the right hand side in the penalty box against the underside of the crossbar. From that point on, Milan started to dominate the match.

Arsenal tried to get back into the game, but were unable to create any real chances. They got close with a header from Van Persie after a free kick in the 25th minute, but Abbiati was there to deny the Gunners.

After half an hour played, the game seemed to stall a bit. Milan tried to create more chances, but was unable to get through the Arsenal defense. In a swift counter attack Milan’s Robinho had the chance to increase his side’s lead with a two-on-two situation, but was unable to capitalize on it, as he lost the ball in a duel.

In the 38th minute, Robinho finally took his chance to bring Milan further in front, as Ibrahimovic supplied him with a great cross into the sixteen-yard box, where Robinho headed the ball in to make it 2:0 for the Rossoneri.

Arsenal seemed stunned after the second goal, not much came from their side for the rest of the first half. AC Milan on the other hand had another chance just before half time to finish the Gunners off in the first half, as Boateng led the ball in a counter attack, but skewed his shot wide of goal instead of passing it to a teammate. Another chance was created immediately afterwards, when Antonini was in a one-on-one chance with Arsenal keeper Szczesny and both players collided as the ball rolled just past the the post. Antonini then received a yellow card for dangerous play for the collision with the Arsenal keeper.

After half-time, Arsene Wenger substituted Walcott and Henry came on in his place. The former Arsenal captain played his last match for the Gunners this evening, as he is heading back to the U.S., as he was only on loan from NY Red Bulls.

Unfortunately for Arsenal, the second half started off just like the first one ended: Milan came out the stronger side, boasting with self-confidence. They were rewarded for that in the 49th minute, as a short pass from Ibrahimovic just outside the sixteen-yard box set up Robinho, who took it directly with a hard and low shot, beating Szczesny for the second time. It was now 3:0.

With fifty minutes played, one came to the sad conclusion, that this was not Arsenal’s night, as they had not created any real chance on goal up to that point. Milan was now dominating the game and keeping the ball for a while.

Arsenal now managed to play a bit better than in the first half, as they had a chance to score with a free kick in the 63rd minute, after a foul from Philippe Mexes, but lacked the finishing touch. Shortly after, a corner kick from Ramsey was unable to threaten Abbiati, as it flew way over the goal of the Milan keeper.

Three minutes later, Van Persie looked sure to score in the 66th minute, as his volley shot was heading for the goal of Abbiati, who then managed to get a hand on it and steer it wide. Best chance for Arsenal so far.

Wenger now sent on Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, who came on for Gibbs, to try to turn this match around for the Gunners. He immediately showed his admirable effort, but he was the only Arsenal player at this point to do so.

With another attack towards the Arsenal goal, Milan was awarded a penalty, as defender Djouro restrained Ibrahimovic with his arm and brought him down. The striker converted the penalty in the 79th minute with a low and hard shot. Polish goalkeeper Szczesny guessed the right way, but was unable to get a hand on the powerful shot.

The match was pretty much over at this point, as Milan wanted to keep the ball and Arsenal considered it futile to try to keep going forward. Milan coach Allegri brought on Alexandre Pato for Robinho in the 84th minute, to give the striker a chance to play for the last few minutes.

Arsenal’s last chance took place in the 85th minute, when Van Persie headed the ball towards the Milan goal, only to be denied by Abbiati once again.

The last chance in the game worth mentioning was in the 94th minute, when Pato had a chance to score a late goal, but the shot flew straight onto the Arsenal goalkeeper. A few seconds later, the Hungarian referee Viktor Kassai blew his whistle and ended Arsenal’s agony. Henry probably wished he had a better match to remember his short Arsenal comeback.