How much did SHE influence HIM?

By now, the entire world knows that German president Christian Wulff resigned just 16 hours after the department of public prosecution of Hanover had filed for the abrogation of Wulff’s legal immunity as president of Germany, in order to begin investigations on alleged corruption and illegal favours from business partners.

Now that Germans got what they wanted, people ask themselves, why Wulff seemed to be a “glamour-president”, who liked his new life of luxury and free vacations too much, after becoming president just 599 days ago. Many speculate that his wife Bettina influenced him in such a way, that people did not recognize the same eager, trustworthy and honest politician they knew, before he married for the second time. According to tabloid and blog gossip all over the internet, Bettina Wulff’s past life – that is before she married Christian Wulff in 2008 – consisted of regular visits to discos in Hanover, parties on Sylt, a German island well known as a holiday destination, and even of alleged escort services. A lifestyle, that is the embodiment of the exact opposite of CDU values.

German tabloid newspaper “Bild” wanted to publish a big story on her past life in December 2011, but was requested from “above” not to do so. She also “desires” schools in Germany to include more practical teachings on sex education. Seems like she knows what she is talking about.

All in all, many people think that Wulff changed his views due to the influence of his young, attractive, tattooed and luxury-craving wife. It is difficult to say where the line should be drawn on privacy of the president and the first lady. Of course it is a president’s free choice to marry who he wants. But if you are the president of a nation, there will always be a certain amount of public interest and curiosity following you and your family’s every move.

Personally, I did not consider Mr. and Mrs. Wulff to be appropriate for the office of presidency and the associated position of first lady. As to the case Wulff, the past always seems to catch up. And when it does, it is not pretty.

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