I know, it’s been a while…

What can I say – I’ve been busy? Guess that one is always sort of a downer. But what people never get is that people are busy, too. Still, loads of things happened since the last life sign had appeared on this blog – so it’s not like there was nothing worth writing about…

Someone close to me asked me what I was gonna post as an excuse, for not having written anything in the last couple of weeks. I told him that this blog is only important to me and it’s not like the few people that actually read the crap I publish depend on it. So, keeping that in mind, the blog found itself in a time freeze, reason being I did not have any time to write anything.And maybe I did not WANT to write.

Maybe this should have been included in the about page, but this blog is, as many of its kind, a digital personification and even realization of a soliloquist. Oh and the language might also get lousier due to mood swings, but nothing rated R.

And now? Now I am writing about not having the time to write. Guess every blogger has been here before. But nevertheless, here is the official reason:

Did anyone get a chance to read the words of the week that were last posted? If not, here you go:

“He that is busy is tempted by but one devil; he that is idle, by a legion.”

I was merely infatuated by this proverb, but then sank into it’s deep abyss. In between the time I got back from Namibia and on the following day continuing my studies at university, I have to admit I did have a few spare moments. But I was idle. And I was tempted by at least one legion…

Anyway, I’ll be back for sure these next few days with a last few words on the trip to Namibia and the never sleeping world of western Europe. And my God is it warm here, 19°C in March? I guess I should watch The Day After Tomorrow once again on the weekend.