Alex Clare, Internet Explorer’s (only?) star

In German television a new advertising star has risen. Chances are that you have already seen the new ad for Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 9. I always think it is a little weird to do a TV ad just for a browser – in my eyes it is a little unnecessary and perhaps the money could be used for something more important, like maybe PRIVACY. I had the same opinion when Google were advertising for Chrome. I don’t know whether their advertising had actually created a significant effect on usage stats. I for sure tried their browser and I use it from time to time, after Safari of course.

Nevertheless, Microsoft felt the urge to do something about their dropping user statistics for their house own browser, as numbers of usage have been decreasing steadily since 2004.

Internet Explorer usage in browser segment
(Source: Wikipedia)

Since I am a Mac user, I won’t have the chance to try Internet Explorer 9, as it is not supported on the Mac platform. Well, now some of you might say I could install Windows on a Mac too, but that would sort of defeat the purpose of getting a Mac in my opinion. So, I will simply have to rely on reviews from reputable sources.

But let’s get back to the song. Microsoft obviously had some real professionals taking care of their new ad and I have to say they did a pretty good job. The song in the ad is from a relatively unknown artist, Alex Clare, a young British singer-songwriter from London. He combines soul pop with dub step in such a modern way that let’s electro fans get all crazy and at the same time, let people who enjoy listening to great lyrics rather than a big bass beat enjoy his music no less. I like it very much and I can only recommend it.

It seems like Microsoft finally got something right – if their new browser lives up to its promises, then the browser market just got a whole lot more interesting.

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