Megaupload 2.0 – the beginning of a new internet era?

The return of the next Megaupload file hosting website, Mega, is not far away! In less than 20 hours, Kim Schmitz, also known as Kim Dotcom and Kimble, will introduce his newest filesharing platform. And he did not choose this day by chance. Exactly one year ago his former Megaupload empire has been closed down by the FBI due to copyright infringement claims, most of them by the Motion Picture Association of America, as well as numerous record label companies based in the US.

Mega website

These five words make quite a promise. But considering how successful Megaupload has been, everyone expects the new Mega to reach old benchmarks rather quickly. Especially now that Schmitz was able to use all the media coverage on the takedown of Megaupload to his advantage and campaign for his new project.

Of course everyone knows that copyrighted material was stored on the servers of Megaupload. And chances are quite high that similar content will be stored on the new servers as well. Even though that is considered to be illegal, the problem does not lie with the filehosting companies. It’s the users who upload illegal content to the servers, even though warnings have been installed, as they have to click on a checkbox before uploading, agreeing that they will not upload any material they do not own the rights to. But since prosecution in these cases is extremely difficult in comparison to peer-to-peer networks for example, the question remains why piracy remains to be such a big issue.

In Schmitz’s eyes, the problem lies with the Hollywood studios themselves. He claims that most motion picture studios and record label companies still don’t know how to market their products successfully.
In comparison to the times when people rented out DVDs at their local video store, made illegal copies and sold them to friends and peers, nowadays pretty much any user can find his or her way to the so called “warez” sites and pick up download links to copyrighted material,which is stored on the filehoster’s servers. And in comparison to the local “video thief” from twenty years ago, it’s the filehosting companies that make the money nowadays. It has been estimated that Megaupload made a resounding revenue of US$175 million per year!

Even entrepreneurs with clean slates, like the late Steve Jobs, saw the flaws in marketing strategies of the music and movie industries. Otherwise the iTunes store would not have been such a huge success. And of course the numbers speak here as well, with the iTunes store having made US$1.4 billion of revenue in the first quarter of 2011 alone.

Apparently, some bureaucrats see it as the responsibility of the filehosting company to check uploaded files on copyright infringement. This has been a very controversial topic, as one can compare this to banks, who also do not check what is inside of the customer’s deposit box. And in some cases, like Swiss banks, unreported earnings with millions of dollars in the bank account also do not get checked on legitimacy. Maybe we should have a debate on that first…

Anyway, if you are interested in what Kim Schmitz had to say about the closing down of Megaupload and his arrest in New Zealand last year, check out this interview:

Fantasy genre taking over Hollywood & co.

Quite a few fantasy movies and series have been produced over the last couple of years that have been very successful in terms of critics, viewership and revenue. From the Lord of the Rings to the Batman trilogy (yes, I do consider superhero movies as fantasy), from Smallville to Lost to Game of Thrones – each had or has its qualities and flaws.

Since our society craves more and more entertainment, action and suspense, it’s no wonder the movie & series studios invest heavily. Let’s take a look at the estimated budgets of the Batman trilogy, Snow White and the Huntsman and Prince of Persia. Together, they add up to an estimated budget (source: IMDb) of $ 955.000.000! Now some of you might think these were exceptions. But let’s take a look at another statistic: the 50 highest-grossing films ever (worldwide gross). And of these 50 movies, all except for two were either fantasy, science-fiction or animated.

Since I am a huge fan of Smallville and Pirates of the Caribbean, I keep an eye on what the respective actors are up to. I stumbled upon two titles that are to be released soon: Hansel & Gretel – a movie, as well as Beauty and the Beast – a series on the CW Television Network, which aired successful shows like Smallville, Supernatural, Vampire Diaries and America’s Next Top Model.

Let’s take a look at Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters. I think it’s safe to say that even kids outside of Germany know the famous fairytale of the two siblings, who got lost in the woods and get caught by a witch in a house made of candy and other delicious sweets. The latter of course, being every child’s dream, the former causing nightmares. Since fairytales recorded by the Brothers Grimm have already been made into a TV series (Grimm) and Snow White was such a success financially, it’s no wonder more fairytale blockbusters are to follow. The trailer promises a lot of action, the CGI scenes look great and it appears that a lot of work has been put into artwork. Sound effects are also quite intense in the trailer. The only scene that made me think “that’s silly” was the mini-gun. Check it out for yourself:

Also, Gemma Arterton is in it, which might be reason enough for quite a few guys to check it out 😉

The second title I discovered is called Beauty and the Beast and it starts on October 11th. As I mentioned before, I am a huge Smallville fan and the simple fact that Kristin Kreuk is in it will make me watch. But I have to admit, I don’t think this show is going to come anywhere near the quality of Supernatural or Smallville. The trailer scene where Kristin Kreuk is yelling in the subway tunnel definitely takes some getting used, since I have never seen her in such a masculine role. Even in Street Fighter: Legend of Chun-Li she seemed less of a bad-ass. Also, the narration sounds all wrong to me – it seems like too much attention is put on clear pronunciation and she speaks a bit too slow for my taste. I certainly hope it is only included in the trailer…
Anyway, you can check it out here:

Let’s hope for the best.

Underworld: Awakening

Since I did not really have the time to see a new movie for a few weeks now, I finally decided to simply make the time and watch the fourth and latest installment of the Underworld saga, which came out in January this year – more than eight years after the first movie appeared. Since I consider myself a fan of the Underworld series and Kate Beckinsale, it was only a matter of time until I would watch this one.

If you haven’t seen the movie yet, don’t worry about stumbling upon any spoilers in this post – I will not include any. If you have seen it, I would be very interested in your opinion of the movie, since it is quite different from the previous three. If you haven’t seen any of the Underworld movies yet, I recommend you see the other three first, as this one only contains brief flashbacks that do not explain everything.

So, without telling too much, Kate is back as Selene and continues to kick ass. Only this time, she and her fellow vampires are fighting the standard primates, namely us humans. The entire movie is somewhat short on storyline in my humble opinion and one immediately notices the high amount of gore. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a lot of blood and beheading of bad guys and so on, but I think this motion picture was dedicated to the movie-goers that prefer a blunt but bloody movie over a storyteller any time. At least that was how I felt.

A few new characters have also been added, since most of the previous ones have been killed off. But please, dear viewer, do not expect an oscar nomination for a supporting role here. Furthermore, the movie is only 88 minutes long and the shortest of the entire series. At the end, I felt like I haven’t quite seen enough. But this can also be a good thing, I guess 😉

Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and I think most Underworld fans will too, just don’t expect too much from it. The end of the movie leaves room for another installment, though I am not too sure if that would be the wisest thing to do, because there have been quite a few overstretched movie franchises…