Underworld: Awakening

Since I did not really have the time to see a new movie for a few weeks now, I finally decided to simply make the time and watch the fourth and latest installment of the Underworld saga, which came out in January this year – more than eight years after the first movie appeared. Since I consider myself a fan of the Underworld series and Kate Beckinsale, it was only a matter of time until I would watch this one.

If you haven’t seen the movie yet, don’t worry about stumbling upon any spoilers in this post – I will not include any. If you have seen it, I would be very interested in your opinion of the movie, since it is quite different from the previous three. If you haven’t seen any of the Underworld movies yet, I recommend you see the other three first, as this one only contains brief flashbacks that do not explain everything.

So, without telling too much, Kate is back as Selene and continues to kick ass. Only this time, she and her fellow vampires are fighting the standard primates, namely us humans. The entire movie is somewhat short on storyline in my humble opinion and one immediately notices the high amount of gore. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a lot of blood and beheading of bad guys and so on, but I think this motion picture was dedicated to the movie-goers that prefer a blunt but bloody movie over a storyteller any time. At least that was how I felt.

A few new characters have also been added, since most of the previous ones have been killed off. But please, dear viewer, do not expect an oscar nomination for a supporting role here. Furthermore, the movie is only 88 minutes long and the shortest of the entire series. At the end, I felt like I haven’t quite seen enough. But this can also be a good thing, I guess 😉

Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and I think most Underworld fans will too, just don’t expect too much from it. The end of the movie leaves room for another installment, though I am not too sure if that would be the wisest thing to do, because there have been quite a few overstretched movie franchises…